Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Back from the south

That's it!

I finally fulfilled my dream of going from Hanoi to Saigon by motobike, 2200km!

I saw many beautiful things like landscape, villages... and boyz! Unfortunately, i lost my camera on the way...

And so many more things to say, especially about Saigon but so little time since i came back. Consequently it will be for a little later!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy V. day!

I m currently totally lost in nha que land (countryside) and far away from my computer so... no interesting post.

"Also" so far from my dear... so i wish him and all of you a very nice and sweet valentines day...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Planet vietnam

Vietnam is not a country, it's planet!... according to a friend of mine. He's working as an architect and many world used rules don't apply here, why?  Because "this is Vietnam" or T.I.V. and it is the only answer in 99% of times. From my own experience it's very true also.

Another "funny" stuff about Vietnam within the world is that foreigners (probably expatriates only?) are 90% of the time expert in "foreignology". For example, we were talking with my colleagues about Thailand, Laos and Cambodia and i was the one expert even for countries i didn't visited yet! It's like my colleagues (and many friends) have no idea, and no interests, in their neighbouring countries!

In contrary they seemed quite well informed about China but it may be explained by its giant status in Asia and as it is a closer culture to the vietnamese one. I would also add that it's perceived as a major threat to Vietnam as far as i know.

To finish this international concern, i had quite a surprised from a book street vendor. There were several books of Obama in vietnamese... I was miles away to imagine they would be interested by him.

ps: i'm going for two weeks of crazy holydays on motobike, see you... if i come back alive!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


In my previous i wrote about photobucket and flickr and i had in my mind to give you a link to a nice vietnamese model. Unforntunately i could not find the link again. Fortunately i just found it.

So gay ?
Although you will have to dig the gallery a little to find neat pics like:

Please enjoy La Ngoc Duy flickr...

nb: reminds me i should tell you that he is not typical of the vietnamese physionomy.

Vina-Photobucket going wild

 It looks like vietnamese (girlz at least... too bad) are getting wilder and wilder on photobucket!

What is funny in her album is that it starts with cute, innocent or family pics then .... this.

I hope to find some boyz later. ;)

Hopefully thai guys use flickr: