Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I share a house with a few housemates but since a few weeks, they are leaving and new ones are coming.

The first one to join is an english teacher who has travel around a lot, actually since his birth. Nothing more to say as he is almost a ghost, wake up late (yes later than me!) and work late. Ah yes, he's been to Thailand and has a "mai pen rai" tattoo, which means "doesn't matter" "live life like it comes" etc, as a big fan of thailand...sweet! On the CO front, i said nothing, maybe he ll know or not but as he is a ghost, it doesn't matte so much and in addition he seems not to care at all with who he is living with.

The third (second later :p) is arrving soon in the house, i just met him once for the moment. Kinda old compared to me and the rest of us (actually i am the youngest!). He has also travel around quite a lot. He seems very talkative and very easy to be "friend" with. Indeed, we (he) were talking about girls etc. and he asked me if i have someone:
him:"A vietnamese girl?"
"actually, let's say it straight it's a viet boy" (nb: next time "let's say it straight, i'm not...straight" :D)
=> CO done!

The second one* (or last one :p) is quite the opposite. He's not very talkative (at first), quite shy (he didn't want to tell us his age) and ... may be gay! Why i think that?
Once, i went to propose him to have dinner with me but he just welcomed a nice (boy)friend whom seems utterly gay. He s shy and quite sissy sometimes plus he does some sport to keep healthy and finally he is working on litterature as a professor.

So yeah i know, it doesn't prove anything but i have some kind of feeling he is gay...we will see!

*: i forgot, no CO done with him but i invited him to have a drink with me and my bf and he saw my bf at home on a sunday morning so he might get the idea by himself ;)

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