Monday, October 6, 2008

Water sport

or being prepared to live in Ha Noi, the city of 1000 lakes.
(Sorry for such a bad title ^_^)

Well, Ha noi has not anymore 1000 lakes but there are still plenty of lakes. For example, there are 3 lakes near my home.

Thus Hanoi is a water city which means that when the rainy season comes, comes the problems (well now the season just ended, woohoo!).

By problems i mean:
  • If you have a non-pro appointment and it's even slightly raining don't ever hope the person to come (90% of the time from my experience so far).
  • Learn how to drive under heavy rain with a neat "raincoat', which often means putting your foot in the middle of the motobike to avoid "splashs" from cars and other people.
  • Learn the submarine mode! It's a special mode of the vietnamese motobike but hard to get.  Sometimes, you'll need to drive right in the middle of water with a depth higher than your gaz exauster. The only way to succeed is to take a run up, go max power and pray!
What happens if you fail...push your motobike in the dirty water...
Nevertheless there are a few reasons to like the rain:
  • The city gets quiet (almost)
  • The temperature falls down greatly (and yes rainy season is also hot)
  • I love the rain


Anonymous said...

WOW! I have been to Thailand and the Phillippines during the rainy season and I have seen nothing like this.....

Ido said...

Ahem, is that ironic?

Here it's quite normal and from what i have heard there's the same "strength" of rainy season in Bangkok though i've never been there in the middle of the rainy season.

Maybe we just get used to it, here... like the shitty weather: early september i went to bangkok and the first impression was: "wow it's so 'dry'!".