Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sniff me!

On friday evening i and a (female) colleague were invited at my boss' house to say hi to his baby (less than 2 months old)... and...

  • I hold her (the baby not the colleague!), that was a first time for me
  • She was deeply fascinated by my face
  • She cried when it was time for me to go!
Anyway, that's a bit too bloggish for an anonymous blog. The interesting point is that my colleague sniffed several times the baby... If you are a reader of rqd you already know that thay boy sniff often instead of kissing.

Thus i wonder if vietnamese people do that too? From my experiences... never but i have some explanations. First, it could be for babies only. Indeed, when my bf kiss me he often jokes about doing "viet-kiss" (closed lips kiss... or smack i call that). Second, gays might be naughtier and dare to do the frecnh kiss (not all the time ^_^ ). Finally, i may smell really bad even after a shower >.< 

Still... it's so cuuuuuuute!

Final question: i wonder if gay people do that in thailand or is it the norm for every couple?
answer is no :

Wow - what an effect!

1 comment:

Ido said...

I, unfortunately, had the confirmation of my bf that the sniffing is only for babies in vietnam... too bad it looked so cute and exotic ;)